Friday, September 29, 2006

Mars and Pluto Climates Warming, Al Gore Scours for Extraterrestrial SUVs

Mars and Pluto Climates Warming, Al Gore Scours for Extraterrestrial SUVs

Bad news again for the Greenies. Why have we tolerated their misinformation for so long? The truth is out there but you really have to dig for it. State of Fear:by Michael Crichton does a great job of exposing the Global warming environmental crowd throughout the book with verifiable references. His conclusions at the end of the book and references are great Now we have NASA and the California Institute of Technology's Jet Propulsion Laboratory saying the science shows it may not be man's fault. We've tolerated the lies of the radical environmentalists like Al "I invented the internet" Gore for long enough and we are paying the price. It's time to stop tolerating their lies and actually looking at the REAL data.


Saturday, September 23, 2006

Larry Elder

Larry Elder

Larry Elder's column is steel on target except its not just blacks that need to know the true history of the Democratic Party everyone does.

We have tolerated the Jessie Jackson's and Al Sharpton's telling everyone how the republican party is only for whites men, that republicans are racist and the only ones who care about any other race or gender is the democratic party. So now their lies have become the truth for many americans. It's time we stopped tolerating lies from men like these and look at the real truth. Maybe it's not too late. I pray it's not too late.

Thank you Larry Elder this is a great article. Loved your book as well.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Muslim anger spreads to South Asia - World -

Muslim anger spreads to South Asia - World -

Why do we in the west and the rest of the world tolerate this type of behavior? Muslim leaders throughout the world can say whatever they want about Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, or any other belief and nothing happens. However if anyone says anything against Islam or Muhammad, Muslims riot, burn churches etc.

We have been and are tolerating this barbaric behavior. If we continue to tolerate these activities then they will only get worse. The civilized countries of the world need to stand up and let the radical Islamic world know "We're mad as hell and we're not going to take it any more!" and for a change actually mean what we say and back it up with actions. If the radical Islamic extremists want respect then they need to treat the rest of the world and the rest of the world's religions with respect.

If it is expected that we tolerate Muslim leaders to call for the end of Israel and the extermination of all Jews or the execution of the Pope or anyone else who speaks against Islam then they must tolerate some criticism of their faith.

We must not continue to tolerate the Muslim extremists continuation of this barbaric behavior without them realizing there are consequences for their words and actions.

It's time for the UN to get of their collective asses to actually stand up to these intolerant clerics and actually do something for a change. The UN action in these matters is as worthless as a mother who knows her child is torturing and killing the neighborhood cats and scolds him by saying " Now now little Johnny that really isn't very nice. You shouldn't do that anymore. Why don't you come inside and have a cookie." The UN tolerates this abominable behavior with rhetoric while the Muslim extremists just thumb their nose at the rest of the world and go on doing as they damn well please.

We as human beings and the leaders of the world have tolerated this and continue to tolerate this behavior. What has happened? It's only become worse. The longer we tolerate it the worse it will become because "What you tolerate, will happen"

The Old Prospector