Wednesday, November 01, 2006

A message for Senator Kerry from our troops.

Our troops in Iraq are sending John Kerry a message. Please enjoy this photo taken today by our brave soldiers in Iraq! Feel free to email this your friends and family.


How long do we tolerate liberals bad mouthing our military men and women?  Sen. Kerry has been doing it since the 70's and still is not really held accountable. His buddies like Hillary and others have called on him to apologize but not because they disagree with him but because of the political repercussions they are feeling.   
I spent 30 years with military men and women.  I have served with them and supervised them.  Let me telly you,  they are very bright, well educated, hard working dedicated professionals. They can get a job anywhere. I personally know many who have turned down jobs that paid more than what they were making in the military and they turned the jobs down flat.  They are there because they want to be not because, as the senator believes, they have no other choice.
Telly ya what,  I have taught military members and civilians,  I'll take the military member every single time. 

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